Q & A
Questions that need answers! Answers for those questions! Unanswered questions! Unquestioned answers?
Q&A Remix With Jason Bombach
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their record collection. Today we welcome Jason Bombach.
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
This may surprise you since I wrote a whole column about album art but, of course I’ve bought albums just based on artwork. It’s a great way to break out of a musical rut. It’s harder to justify than it used to be with prices as they are, but it’s fun to jump into the unknown. I have this record, I can’t even remember the band now, but the sleeve is just two pieces of a cardboard box with some abstract silk screening on it. It’s a strange record that I never would have heard if the art wasn’t so weird that it caught my eye.
Q&A Remix With Daniel Graham of Great Wide Nothing
I’ve been hunting a good mono copy of Magical Mystery Tour by The Beatles. As a general rule of thumb Beatles albums always sound better in mono.Q&A Remix With Ken French
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome Clash fan Ken French.
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
Mastodon’s Leviathan LP, though I grew to like it.
What is your most memorable vinyl buying experience?
When the shop owner sold me the last copy he had of The Clash’s Combat Rock on the day of release because I was a regular there.
Q&A Remix With Chris Payne
… that thrill of opening up new vinyl packaging and—sometimes—getting surprised with a gorgeous interior design or cool liner notes you weren’t expecting.Q&A Remix With Chris Ingalls
My sisters were never really into finding rare records, buying stacks of records at a time, filling in gaps in their collections, stuff like that; they just liked listening to music. My brother and I turned it into an obsession, and we couldn’t have done it without them.Q&A Remix With Fritz Myers
bought a couple albums, but the experience of wandering the aisles talking with those guys, catching up on who we’d become lately; conversations about kids and work peppered with “oooooh, look at this…” makes it a special memory.Q&A Remix With Ankur Razdan
…it feels like a far more important endeavor to be archiving and preserving these relics from the past that show where the musical tradition has been and helps us inform ourselves what it means to us now.Q&A Remix With Josh Gondelman
And old comedy stuff is always such a trip to sift through. It’s a lot of the classic albums you expect to find and then you’ll see something like Fartin’ Johnny Parton and the Armpit Orchestra.Q&A Remix With Justin Cox
I once ran through the falling snow down Addison Street just outside of Wrigley Field to try and catch an L Train while listening to Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World.Q&A Remix With Tina Roumeliotis
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome writer Tina Roumeliotis.
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
YES! I have a few where I bought an extra to frame and of course if the alternate cover/variant was pretty! Some are just too perfect to resist!
Q&A Remix With Tim Gavin
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome Tim Gavin.
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
I’ve streamed, and purchased many albums purely for the artwork. My first time doing this was picking up a copy of Pelagial by German Post-Metal band The Ocean, but that was on CD. Shiho Yabuki’s The Body is a Message of the Universe was probably the first vinyl record I’ve bought just by the artwork. I was poking through my usual place, 2nd Thoughts up in Prince George, BC, Canada. The artwork was different from the original album art, instead opting for a photo of Shiho Yabuki herself, but what had me so interested was that the art made this ambient record seem a little more DIY than I’d expect an ambient record from 1987 to be. It made me want to hear first hand how this record sounded. Sure enough, anytime I need to relax, this has become a go-to listen for me.
Q&A Remix With Marcus Nuccio
Once, I went into the Record Exchange in Princeton, NJ and they had every Boards Of Canada record in stock. I had to grab them all!Q&A Remix With Logan Archer Mounts
I have learned to accept that vinyl is my biggest passion in life. Music as a whole, truly, but the vinyl aspect has anchored me fully. My obsession increased tenfold during the COVID years, when I had nothing to do but listen to my collection.Q&A Remix With Niko Stratis
I’ve always loved to hoard things, and to hold something physical. I collected VHS tapes, cassettes, CDs. Video games. Everything was a collection to me, it gave me something to organize and catalog and build my life around.Q&A Remix With Jay Gerland
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
I think only if I’m at a thrift store and see something unusual. If it’s not the typical Humperdinck or Herb Alpert but has an interesting cover, I’d grab it. I’ve done this too many times and really need to unload this stuff.
What is your most memorable vinyl buying experience?
This could be The Smiths Meat Is Murder” My mom was always buying records and we would go on Wednesdays because they gave you double stamps (their reward program) and I remember her taking me to buy that album. One of the few that vanished from my collection over the years.
Q&A Remix With Chris Farren
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome international rock star Chris Farren.Q&A Remix With Lonny Starsky
I started collecting them freshman year of high school because Hot Topic did those splatter pressings of all the Blink-182 albums. I thought they looked cool and I wanted to waste money on cooler stuff because they stopped making Bionicles.Q&A Remix With Brock Jerue
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome Brock Jerue
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
Absolutely - notably, REO Speedwagon’s You Can Tune a Piano, But You Can’t Tuna Fish. I bought this at an antique shop called Blue Shark Antiques & Collectibles in Fredericksburg, Virginia. It was the first record I ever actually spun on a turntable. Of course, I placed the needle wrong, which meant the first sounds out of my speakers were, “felt the tables turnin’!”
Q&A Remix With Jeff Ash
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome Jeff Ash
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
Oh, sure. The all-timer is Hawaii Calls: Fire Goddess by Webley Edwards with Al Kealoha Perry from 1958. A vaguely cheesecake cover on which an exotic-looking topless woman holds flaming bowls in front of her, well, you get the idea. Another is Mambo, a 10-inch Xavier Cugat record from 1953. Another is Live at Someplace Else, a 1968 LP with a cool cover that was by a Minneapolis group called South 40, which turned out to be Crow before they were Crow and thus a fairly interesting record.
Q&A Remix with Gary and Chris Ingalls
Chris Ingalls interviewed his older brother, Gary, who currently owns around 3,000 recordsQ&A Remix With Matt Carter
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome my very own brother in law, Matt Carter
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
I bought Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band solely for the artwork. When vinyl was dying in the 1990s I bought some album frames from a catalog. Maybe Hammacher Schlemmer, I don’t remember, but people my age used to love looking through the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog because it showed you how other people your age who were less savvy with their spending habits lived. These frames would allow you to display your album artwork in your home or office without having to build them yourself. They also paired well with The Best Tabletop Radio which is currently backordered until March. I mounted Trout Mask Replica along with a few others and decorated my basement stairway with them. People would come over and enviously gaze at them sometimes. I liked that. I would say things like “Maybe you can get some album frames for yourself…” and then I would do an extra long pause and then I would say “once you get a second job!” and then I would laugh out loud and slap them on the shoulders and say, “I’m just kidding, I’m just kidding” because you can say anything to people as long as you add that on the end. I also purchased Giant by Johnny “Guitar” Watson for the artwork, but I ended up actually liking that album, which never happened with Trout Mask Replica. I also own a picture disc of Frank Zappa’s Baby Snakes which Michele referred to as “aesthetically unpleasing” which makes me love it even more.
Q&A Remix With Nick Costa
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome friend of the blog Nick Costa
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
Definitely. Many times. The most memorable one was technically a CD, but back in 2007 or 2008 I had $5 to kill on a Best Buy gift card. I went in and on display was an album that said “$4.99” and the artwork looked cool. Figured it was essentially free so I had nothing to lose. That album was Not Animal. by Margot & The Nuclear So & So’s, and it ended up kind of changing the way I think about songwriting. To this day I still think Richard Edwards is one of the best and most underrated songwriters around. It’s not my favorite album by them (that would be Slingshot To Heaven) but it is a formative album for me.
Q&A Remix With Mike Rastiello
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome friend of the blog, Mike Rastiello
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
Mending Wall by Angst. It was never available on streaming, and songs only popped up on YouTube years after I bought the album. It’s really good, and as it turns out they were a huge influence on Frank Black and the Pixies and are probably one of those “your favorite band’s favorite band.”
Q&A Remix With Matt Lavallee
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome Matt Lavallee, a Massachusetts musician.
What are your first memories of listening to records?
One day when I was maybe ten or so my dad showed up with an old turntable and a couple LPs - namely Sound Effects Volume 1 on the Audio Fidelity label, and a copy of The Flying Platters. Who knows where these came from - they might have been sitting in the barn for a couple decades. Plugging it in, we found that the motor still worked, but it lacked a needle.
Q&A Remix With Bevan Bell
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
I certainly have. The first one that comes to mind is a collection of TV Themes that had a three panel artwork of The Green Hornet, Tarzan, and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. The images were very much like quick turn comic book panels and not great, but something about it was very entertaining. I put it in a frame and it’s in my garage/office. Others would be these very 60s mod jazz albums and jazz compilations like Easy Jazz on a Fish Beat Bass.
Q&A Remix with Rosy Overdrive
What’s the most treasured album in your collection and why?
Just going off of how much I listen to it, I think it must be Pere Ubu’s Les Haricots Sont Pas Salé 1987-1991 box set. I love pretty much every era of Pere Ubu, but there’s something about listening to this one–their brief stint on a major label, where they genuinely did try to make pop albums–that feels very rewarding in record format. The three proper albums in it–The Tenement Year, Cloudland, and Worlds in Collision, are all distinct versions of pop music, but they’re all Pere Ubu, too. These records were reworked and resequenced to fit on vinyl, and I imagine people who heard the original versions of these albums might take issue with that, but they’re the versions I know the best and they’re right to me.
Q&A Remix With Jack Probst
Today we welcome culture writer Jack Probst
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
Heavens no. I made the mistake of buying a CD in high school based on the weird artwork, and it ended up being a Christian ska band. Never again.
What is your most memorable vinyl buying experience?
A buddy and I spent all day together traversing all the St. Louis record stores about ten years ago. I don’t remember what I purchased or anything we talked about, but the act of walking around a record store with a friend is what I hold dear. Record shopping can often be a quiet, solitary experience, but having a friend with you is rad. I love that feeling when you grab their attention from across the store to have them look at the cool things you’ve pulled out of the racks or you found something they’re looking for so they can both share the excitement.
Q&A Remix With Miranda Reinert
Today we welcome Miranda Reinert, who is a writer and podcaster based in Chicago, Illinois. She graciously answered a dozen questions. Let’s dive in.
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
I don’t know if it’s solely for the art, but I keep an eye on Landland Colportage’s website to see what they’re putting out because I love their art so much. I definitely own a lot of their releases I maybe wouldn’t have bought just because I think the way they do packaging is so special.
Q&A Remix With Drew Beringer
Today’s Q&A Remix is with music writer Drew Beringer
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
Not explicitly but if there’s an album that I just kind of like but the artwork (or variant) is fire I’ll pick it up.
What is your most memorable vinyl buying experience?
Going to Inner Sleeve Records in Wausau WI in the winter of 2015 - we found a sealed copy of the Sleater-Kinney box set in color.
Q&A Remix With Greg Katz of Cheekface
What is your most memorable vinyl buying experience?
My first vinyl purchase was going to Greene Records in Santa Ana California and picking up Jupiter by Cave In. Tiny mom-and-pop store specializing in punk records that no longer exists. It stays pretty memorable to me.
What’s the first area you head for in a record store?
First the main endcaps and displays. I like knowing what’s new, what the store is trying to sell, and what they’re proud to have. Then jazz, funk and soul, then new rock.