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Q&A Remix With Lonny Starsky
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome Lonny Starsky of the Acid Flashback at Nightmare Beach
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
When I saw FIDLAR on my 18th birthday. I remember buying a METZ record that night because of how cool I thought the cover looked.
What is your most memorable vinyl buying experience?
My grandma and I used to do record store day every year at this place that was also a furniture store. We got up super early and waited in line before the sun was up just to get the Green Day trilogy demos on vinyl in 2014.
What’s the first area you head for in a record store?
I always go for international stuff first to see if i can get anything cheaper than on ebay. Like anything from Japan from the 70s & 80s.'
What’s the most treasured album in your collection and why?
An Insatiable High by Masayoshi Takanaka. Finally tracking down a copy of that was so cool. But holy shit it was expensive.
What one record in your collection would you be most eager to share with new friends?
Absolutely by Dijon. I’ve probably shown that album to more people in the last two years than anything else.
Are you a completionist when it comes to artists? Which artist do you have the most records from?
Certain artists I try to have everything. My biggest collections are The Gaslight Anthem and anything Brian Fallon has ever made.
What is/are your white whale records, something you have your eye on but haven’t been able to find?
Last American Hero by James Ferraro. I’ve been obsessed with that album for a couple years and finding a copy on vinyl would be so cool. A friend gave me a tape with that and Adrenaline’s End on the B side and it changed my brain.
What is your greatest “score;” could be on value or just rarity or something you were looking for the longest?
Finally getting Blonde by Frank Ocean was a huge win for high school Lonny.
Do you have a favorite live record?
I’ve got a 6 LP Bruce Springsteen Live box set and that’s gotta be up there. I think my number one spot goes to Pink Navel’s album Epic.
Who/what got you hooked on records?
I started collecting them freshman year of high school because Hot Topic did those splatter pressings of all the Blink-182 albums. I thought they looked cool and I wanted to waste money on cooler stuff because they stopped making Bionicles.
What are your first memories of listening to records?
My grandma bought me my first record player and the first record she got me was Modern Vampires of The City so listening to that with her and my mom on Christmas morning is a great memory.
What’s your favorite record to listen to on headphones?
I’ve never listened to vinyl with headphones. I just always blast it as loud as possible. Especially now that I live alone and don’t have any neighbors. But now I’m trying to think of what the first record I listen to with headphones should be.
Tell us a little about your favorite record store
When I lived closer to St. Louis, DIY Emo bands stayed at my house and they’d usually give me a record or I’d buy one at their show that night if I had cash.
Gold Pan Records in Hillsboro, IL. It’s tiny and only open on weekends but I love going there. I always bring stuff in to sell and I actually met the person who was buying everything I brought in a few months ago.
What’s the weirdest record you own?
Cease & Desist by Blarf.
My name is Lonny Starsky & I make all the music in a project called The Acid Flashback at Nightmare Beach. I started writing songs in 2017 after I saw Foxing live for the first time. I live on a farm like 60 miles north of St. Louis and that’s the closest city that has a music scene so I played & attended a lot of shows there growing up. I do album artwork, music videos & merch designs for my friends bands. Last year, after moving to a place where I couldn’t even get internet, I started reading a ton, which just made writing a lot easier. I try to make a new song every day or at least record a couple ideas. My album Jazz From The Other Side of The House is coming out every Friday until the end of time.
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