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Q&A Remix With Mike Rastiello
The Q&A Remix is a frequent column on IHTOV in which people from all walks of life answer a set of pre-written questions about their vinyl collection. Today we welcome friend of the blog, Mike Rastiello
Have you ever bought a record just for the artwork?
Mending Wall by Angst. It was never available on streaming, and songs only popped up on YouTube years after I bought the album. It’s really good, and as it turns out they were a huge influence on Frank Black and the Pixies and are probably one of those “your favorite band’s favorite band.”
What is your most memorable vinyl buying experience?
One of my earliest record fairs that I went to, I was flipping through some crates, and I found a promotional copy of London Calling by The Clash. I am of the mind that I would rather own a previously owned and loved record, than some soulless repressing. I was on the hunt for a cool copy of some of my favorite and most important albums. That album that I found in that dark hotel ballroom in New Braunfels, Texas was the first album in my collection that really fit both of those criteria.
What’s the first area you head for in a record store?
The new arrivals of pre-owned records. Then I browse the rock bins, mostly looking for specific artists.
What’s the most treasured album in your collection and why?
I don’t know that I have many that I “treasure”, but I have a few that I would be bummed if I lost somehow. Most of my records are “replaceable” at the right price point, but I’d probably be most bummed about losing any autographed or rare/promo copies of records that I have.
Are you a completionist when it comes to artists? Which artist do you have the most records from?
It depends on the artist. If they are an all time fave, then yes. I am being very conscious about shelf space, so I’m trying to not buy too many records that I won’t regularly listen to. As far as the most albums I have for a given artist, Springsteen (50), The National (27), Modest Mouse (22), Queens of the Stone Age (17), and The Beatles (15). These include studio albums, EPs, &” singles, compilations, live albums, fan club exclusives, or variant colors (because I am a sucker).
What is/are your white whale records?
Right now the only Desert Sessions EP that I am missing is Vol. 1 which is selling for over $300 on Discogs. So it would either be that or the OG pressing of Queens of the Stone Age’s Songs for the Deaf.
I would say the “script font” cover of Springsteen’s Born to Run, but that sells for over $5,000 on Discogs, so I wouldn’t even put that on a list. That would be more than I’ve paid for some of my cars over the years.
Do you have a favorite live record?
Cherry Tree Vol. 3 by The National. It’s from their fan club where they send you a live record every year. Volume 3 happens to have been recorded in Austin, Texas, and I was at the show.
Who/what got you hooked on records?
I grew up with records for a large chunk of my childhood. My first record was Bert & Ernie Sing-Along when I was really young, like 3 or 4.
What are your first memories of listening to records?
Playing my Sesame Street records on my little Sears record player that looked like a pair of blue jeans.
What genre is most represented in your collection?
Rock at the macro level, Alternative/Indie Rock at the micro level.
Tell us a little about your favorite record store
There are 2 or 3 stores that I hit regularly, but my favorite is Breakaway Records in Austin, TX. They have a great and friendly staff, and regularly get in new pre-owned records. I often resell records there that I don’t listen to any more, and browse while they price them out.
I like to go to the record store on Saturdays and browse for a few hours, then drive down the street to a great pizza place for a few slices. I call these “Mike Days” and they are the best days.
What’s the weirdest record you own?
Not “weird” weird, but odd to me, but I have a 12” single of De La Soul’s Me Myself And I which is a “three-sided” record. The “third-side” is just a second grove cut into the B side of the record, so you have to put the needle down in just the right spot to hear the C side.
Mike has been a lifelong music fanatic since the ripe old age of 4 when he took his parents’ cassette of Billy Joel’s Greatest Hits—Volume I & Volume II and claimed it as his own. Forty years later, Mike remains a moody and opinionated music lover. His favorite bands include Bruce Springsteen, Queens of the Stone Age, The National, and Deftones. Mike lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife Ali, his dog Poppy, and his record collection.
He writes and curates a monthly newsletter and playlist that can be found at www.downbeat.fm. He is @mikerastiello on Bluesky, and his other socials can be found at mike.fail.
**if you would like to participate in this column, please send an email to michele.catalano@gmail.com with the header IHTOV QA**